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ban appel Sparkleader

Minecraft username: Sparkleader

Why you where banned: Well I was banned basically for noting because they thought that I was using hackes 

Ban duration :Permanent 

What where you doing last on the server: at the mob farm as I remember 

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): Well the staff thought that i was useing knock back hacks or someting. So I was not useing it because I had full Netherite Armor with a shield on and Netherite soword here is the wiki https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Netherite So the wiki say that with full netherite Armor you all most have no knock back like with hacks but still with the netherite armor on i still go hit by it and it worked.So yeah umm Can I out lest get a 1 mounts ban or not a permanent ban. So i well wait it out.



It has not been 2 months since your last appeal was denied, please wait until then.

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